Lakeside Women's Hospital

Patient Information

We are so pleased that you have chosen Lakeside Women's Hospital, INTEGRIS Health. This patient guide was created to serve as your informational guide during your stay with us. If you have any questions or comments please relay them to your nurse or other Lakeside team member.

Important Telephone Numbers and Website Addresses

Confidential Information

You have been (or will be) asked for personal and medical information that will help us care for you. Lakeside is committed to a high level of confidentiality concerning this information. If you have special confidentiality needs please let your nurse know.

Our medical records department will require your authorization for release except in the case of your transfer to another health care facility, or as required by law or a third party payment contract.

Your patient responsibilities and rights, as well as your rights related to protecting your privacy are given in detail upon admission to Lakeside Women's Hospital, INTEGRIS Health. We value your rights and privacy. If you have additional questions regarding these rights once you have read them please contact our Lakeside Privacy Officer at 405-936-1370.

Protecting Your Valuables

Money, credit cards, jewelry and valued personal items should not be brought to Lakeside Women's Hospital. We cannot be held responsible for items kept in rooms. Please keep eyeglasses, contact lenses and dentures in protective containers.

Smoking Policy and Your Safety

Like most other Oklahoma hospitals, Lakeside Women's Hospital, INTEGRIS Health has elected to be a smoke free facility. There is no smoking permitted anywhere on the premises or grounds. Please advise your family and friends that they will need to leave the hospital property to smoke.

If you (the patient) are a smoker, you may want to discuss the use of a nicotine patch with your physician. This patch can be used during your stay at Lakeside.

Candles are not permitted at Lakeside Women's Hospital, INTEGRIS Health in order to insure safety as well as meet fire code standards.

Patient Door Announcements

Fire code regulations do not allow door arrangements or birth announcements to cover more than 20% of the patient room door.

Electrical Equipment

Battery-operated equipment such as radios and CD players may be used in patient rooms. However, for safety reasons, no other personal electrically operated equipment may be used. (Examples: hair dryers, styling combs, heating pads) Lakeside Women's Hospital shall not be held liable for any accidents or injuries resulting from the unauthorized use of electrical equipment.

Fire and/or Emergency Drills

During your stay at Lakeside you may hear the fire control system being activated. Please note that we perform regular practice drills tor fire and other emergencies. In the event of an actual emergency you will be informed and assisted by a Lakeside team member.

  • Code Red Drill: A Code Red Drill announced over the speaker system, accompanied by the actions of staff members such as closing doors and windows, is a simulation of an emergency. In the event of an actual emergency and/or evacuation you will be informed and assisted by a Lakeside team member.
  • Code Black Drill: A Code Black Drill is also a simulated drill, except that it pertains to severe weather.

We realize these drills may cause some discomfort to you during your stay. Please keep in mind that they have been developed to ensure the safety our patients and staff. We appreciate your understanding regarding these simulations.


During your stay at Lakeside you will be served breakfast, lunch and dinner. All meals will be served in your room. Please let your nurse know if you have any special dietary needs.

  • Visitor meals: Your spouse and guests may purchase meals by informing your nurse or dietary facilitator in advance.
  • Area restaurants: We have a list of restaurants located within a 3-mile radius of Lakeside. The nurses' station has menus you may view for these restaurants.

Note: Lakeside does not have a cafeteria on-site. The food you are served is provided by a selected restaurant located in the Metro.

Phones, TV and WiFi

  • TV: Most patient rooms at Lakeside are equipped with phones and televisions. A remote control device is provided to turn the TV on and off, change channels or adjust the volume.
  • Telephone calls: Local calls may be placed by dialing "9" and then the local number. Long distance calls are placed through the hospital operator and must be collect or billed to the patient's home phone or credit card.
  • Cell phones: You or your guests may use your cell phones while at Lakeside. Please remember to keep ring tone volumes low and speak quietly so patients can rest comfortably.
  • WiFi: (interoperability between different wireless devices) Lakeside Women's Hospital is equipped for free WiFi wireless use. To find out more ask your nurse or a Lakeside team member.

Special Communication Requests

If you or a family member has any special communications request(s), such as the need for an interpreter or help with hearing and/or speech impairment, please let your nurse know. She will help you with your request(s).

Mail and Flowers

Any mail, flowers or packages addressed to you will be delivered to your room. Mail received after you have been discharged will be forwarded to your home.

Additional Seating

It seems there are never enough chairs for the many guests who visit our patients. As much as we appreciate the need for additional seating we are limited by "Code" to the number of chairs that are allowed in each patient room. We must be able to get to the patient in the event of an emergency.

Note: Please do not bring chairs from other rooms or hallways to your patient room.

Visitors Are Welcome

Visiting hours: Lakeside Women's Hospital has an open visitation policy. This means that visitors are welcome at any time. We ask, however, that good judgment be used in deciding when and how long to visit patients. Most patients appreciate visits from family and friends but often tire easily during the recovery process following childbirth or surgery.

Refreshments, Restrooms and Public Telephones

Visitors will find vending machines located near the reception desk in the front lobby. Restrooms and a public telephone are also located in this area. Free beverage stations are located in different parts of the hospital. Ask your nurse for the location of the closest one to your patient room.

Overnight Stays

Visitors may stay overnight with patients. Each room is furnished with a special mini sofa/bed for this purpose. Young siblings must be accompanied by an adult (other than the patient/mother).


Lakeside Women's Hospital strives to provide a safe and secure environment to you and your family. If you have or experience any security concern during your stay, please inform one of our team members immediately.

Reporting Problems and Concerns

Lakeside continues to strive for excellence in patient care. If you experience a problem or concern while being a patient at our hospital we encourage you to ask to speak to a team member in charge.

Special Services

Pastoral care, social and home health services are available upon request. Please ask your nurse for more information and help if you would like to know more about these services.

Baby Photos

Photos are taken of all newborns whose parents give consent. Your nurse will explain the process and cost associated with ordering these photos. Visit the "Virtual Nursery" now. A photo of your baby will be digitally captured and placed on this site for a period of 2 to 3 weeks.

Note: Only with parent(s) consent

Leaving for Home (Patient Discharge)

When the time comes for you to leave, your physician will write the discharge order and prescriptions for any medications you will need at home.

Our discharge time is 11a.m. Occasionally there are circumstances beyond anyone's control that may cause the discharge time to be later than 11 a.m.

Understanding discharge information and your prescriptions: Your nurse or another member of our nursing team will give you your discharge information. They will also give you any prescriptions your physician has written along with instructions for use. If there is anything you do not understand, please ask that the instructions be repeated or clarified. Knowing the proper things to do once you return home will help you recover faster in good health.

When you are ready, a member of our nursing team will escort you to your vehicle. You have the choice of going to your car in a wheelchair or by walking. A licensed driver must be present to drive you home.

Your opinion is important to us: You will be given a patient satisfaction survey at the time of your discharge. You can complete this before you leave the hospital or when you return home. The survey will include an envelope so you can mail it to our tabulation company. Your opinion is very important to us. We use the information gained from patient surveys to make positive changes that often improve patient care.


Lakeside Women's Hospital charges are based on our operating expenses and prevailing rates for similar services in our community. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality during your stay. Your daily hospital charge covers your room, nursing care, bedside meals and housekeeping. Ancillary items such as lab, radiology, etc. are billed separately. Your first statement will include itemized charges of your hospital stay. All fees of physicians, anesthesiologists, pediatricians, neonatologists, and certain other consultants involved in your care will be billed separately.

Financial Arrangements

Financial arrangements for payment of your account, along with a deposit, are required before discharge if you do not have insurance coverage. If you do have insurance, our business office can assist you with verification of insurance benefits and obtaining pre-certification if required. All deductibles and/or co-insurance amounts are due prior to admission.